Our work with —


Successfully Expanding to the USA with
PPC Digital Advertising
myMailHouse logo

Our work with myMailHouse achieved these results

Increase in Sign-Ups After Starting with GFP
Further YoY Growth
They had a successful exit
myMailHouse makes mailing easy

No more printing, stuffing envelopes, and licking stamps—now send mail easily from your computer.

myMailHouse serves businesses by allowing them to save time and money by getting mail sent faster, securely, and without the hassle.

Customers simply send their invoices, letters, and other mail directly from a computer to the myMailHouse facility where it’s printed, stuffed in an envelope, postage is applied, and it’s put in the mail – all within 24 hours.

Furthermore, the Earth benefits from fewer trips to buy mailing and printing supplies and by printing in their environmentally conscientious facility.

What they were up against:

With a track record in Italy, myMailHouse came to us looking for an agency that could manage help them expand in the USA after their previous agency couldn’t deliver.

They had three primary goals:

  1. Drive new customers at a profitable level
  2. Educate prospects about on how hybrid mail works
  3. Increase conversion rate on the website

How we helped:

We created a new advertising and customer acquisition program, including:

  • New Google and Microsoft paid advertising (PPC) desktop campaigns
  • Separate Mobile PPC campaigns for mobile for a different product offering
  • Improved website navigation and categorization
  • Landing page testing

Lots of things needed to work together.

If you’re into the nitty gritty, devour these details.

Google & Microsoft Paid Advertising (PPC)

Pay-per-click (PPC) wasn’t converting with their prior agency, so we solved their tracking problems and created new search campaigns with new ad copy, keywords, and ad group structure for ads served on desktops.

Then we fine tuned the performance over time to make it their most profitable new traffic acquisition channel.

Separate Mobile PPC Campaigns

myMailHouse had a vastly different product offering for mobile, so we build custom campaigns for mobile to help test this mobile offering, with separate ad copy, keywords, landing pages and KPIs, leading to a large spike in conversions.

Website Navigation Changes

When we started, the website looked good and had useful content, but it wasn’t organized in an easy to use fashion. We created a new navigation structure that made for a better user experience and higher conversion rate.

Tracking, Reporting/ Analytics & Data Analysis

The client’s previous agency wasn’t able to successful track conversions, so we went to work and diagnosed the tracking outage to ensure we had accurate data upon which to make useful advertising optimizations.

The client was thrilled with the results.

New customer acquisition saw a huge jump, with strong revenue growth.
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Sign-ups increased
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Revenue increased
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Search advertising was proven to be an effective channel
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The company was sold for a successful exit

Continual improvement: we increased ad conversion rates year over year.

Conversion Growth, Yr 1
Conversion Growth, Yr 2
“The Grounds for Promotion team not only delivered outstanding results for our digital advertising efforts, they were also professional, communicative, and fun to work with. Highly recommended.”
Stephen Wilson
Stephen Wilson, COO, COO at mymailhouse

You can celebrate incredible results too.

We’ll start by talking about what you’re up against, then we’ll
plan, build, and optimize a winning campaign.
icon to represent planning


We’ll start by understanding your goals and assessing your current setup, then design a strategy that blends a proven formula with captivating creative.
icon of bricks building up


Once we have a plan, we’ll work with your creatives or ours to bring your campaign to life, with intentionality, down to the last detail.
icon of gears turning with magnifying glass to represent optimization


After we launch, we’ll analyze performance and fine-tune to achieve optimal results, keeping you confidently in the know every step of the way.
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Every quarter, we deliver up a summary of the new, the absurd, and the hidden gems of the digital marketing world with our take on what matters most to you. We sift through the headlines and comb the interwebs so that you don’t have to.

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