Share Social Proof Across Facebook Ads
Comments, likes and shares on ads are very valuable as social proof, so it’s helpful to be able to not spread them out when you want to duplicate your ad to run separately across different audiences.
This technique will show you how to:
- Share / aggregate / combine the social proof across ads, i.e. if somebody comments on or likes an ad, it will show across all the ads, while also
- Testing multiple Facebook ad audiences separately, so you can see which audiences are best and manage budget separately for each audience
Why: Social proof is proven to make ads perform better because an ad viewer will notice that a bunch of other people have liked and commented, and feel reassured that the ad or offer is considered legitimate by others.
Note: This technique doesn’t work with lead form ads but will work with image ads.
Here are the steps to follow:
1. Build out the various audiences that you’d like to test, for example:
- Page-likers
- Email address list
- Interest X
- Interest Y
- Look-alike 1%
2. Make sure your original ad that you’d like to combine social proof on is exactly how you want it. If you make any change whatsoever to the ad after you’ve begun this process, the connection to the other ads will break and the social proof will not accumulate. Yes, we learned this the hard way. 🙂
3. Find the post ID of the ad that you’d like to duplicate:
- Go to
- Go to Ads
- Select the checkbox next to the ad that you want to aggregate social proof on
- Select Preview, see:
- Then click box with the arrow at the top right:
- Select Facebook Post with Comments:
- Copy the post ID, i.e. the number at the end of the url, i.e. “722474818094636” from the posts/722474818094623 portion of the preview url
- Close the ad preview and close the open ad in the Ads Manager
4. How to use that same ad but for other the other Facebook audiences:
- On your Ads tab, click “Create” to create a new ad
- Assign a campaign and create a new ad set with a different audience. Note: If you’re wanting to test a new audience, you can duplicate the existing adset, change the audience, but instead of using the existing ad that was duplicated, go edit it using the below instructions. Otherwise the duplicated ad will look the same, but will be different and won’t accumulate social proof.
- When you get to the ad name screen, select Use Existing Post
- Lower down click on Enter Post ID
- Paste in the Post ID and it’ll populate with the original post, and will carry over the social proof into the new ad. Again, don’t make any edits to the ad for this audience or any other, or the connection will be broken between the ads and social proof won’t accumulate across them.
That technique will make your comments, likes, and shares on Facebook ads go further.
Feel free to leave any questions or comments below. Cheers and good luck!
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